I am a faculty member at the Department of Computer Science at Ariel University. I received my Ph.D. form Ben-Gurion University in 2009. Before coming to Ariel, I spent six months as a post-doc at Ben-Gurion University, three years as a post-doc at Bar-Ilan University, and another six months as a post-doc at Tel-Aviv University. My main research interests are in theoretical computer science. I am mostly interested in the foundations of cryptography and private computation.

Personal Details
Work address:
Department of Computer Science
Ariel University, Ariel 40700, Israel
Tel. +972-3-9758961

2004 – 2009: Ph.D. Department of Computer Science,
Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Thesis title: Phase Transition Behavior in Combinatorics and
Advisors: Prof. Amos Beimel, Prof. Menachem Kojman.
2002 – 2004: M.Sc. Mathematics and Computer Science,
Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Thesis title: Thresholds for Regressive Ramsey Numbers.
Advisors: Prof. Amos Beimel, Prof. Menachem Kojman.
Graduated magna cum laude.
1996 – 1999: B.Sc. Mathematics and Computer Science,
Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Graduated magna cum laude.
Foundations of Cryptography – Graduate.
Computational Complexity – Graduate.
Discrete Mathematics – Undergraduate.
Programming Languages – Undergraduate.
Introduction to Cryptography – Undergraduate.
Automata, Formal Languages, and Computability – Undergraduate.
Professional Activities
Academic Director, Ariel Cyber Innovation Center (ACIC), Ariel University.
Head of Cryptography and Private Computation Research Lab, Computer Science department, Ariel University.
Computer Science colloquium coordinator, Computer Science Department, Ariel University.
Conferences and Workshops Program Committees.